Me and Mrs. Jones by Linda Cajio

Me and Mrs. Jones by Linda Cajio

Author:Linda Cajio [Cajio, Linda]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 978-0-307-82041-9
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Published: 2014-04-15T00:00:00+00:00


“And this is my room. It’s kinda messy right now.”

Despite her words, Chelsea showed off her room proudly to Kate. Mitch gave his daughter credit for even recognizing the fact that she lived in a disaster area.

“Very nice,” Kate murmured, peeking around the door at the clothes strewn everywhere and piles of papers and books littering the desk and bureau tops. “You’re certainly becoming a teenager.”

“Really?” Chelsea seemed pleased.

Mitch hid a smile of amusement.

“And this is Snowball.” Chelsea scooped up the pure white cat that was sleeping on her bed and cuddled it. “She’s deaf, but it doesn’t bother her.”

“It’s a genetic mutation in some of the white ones,” Mitch said. Kate had already been introduced to Lily, the red Doberman pinscher someone had dumped at the last place he’d practiced just because she’d broken her leg, and Rover, a catfish and last survivor of an aquarium ichth epidemic.

Mitch had brought Kate back to his house, because he wanted to settle Chelsea in for school the next day and because he wanted to talk longer with Kate. But he also wanted Kate in his house, to see her among his things, his life. Somehow, that was the most important reason of all.

“Okay, Chelsea,” he said. “It’s been a long day and you have school tomorrow. Kate and I are going to talk for a while, and then I’ll run her home. I’ll only be about twenty minutes.”

“Sure, Dad.”

Mitch stared at his daughter, who sounded positively responsible. Last time she was this nice, she’d hit him up for a new radio-cassette player. He could only wonder what she had in mind this time.

Dismissing the thought, he led Kate back downstairs, deliberately skipping the master bedroom. He didn’t wanted anything to scare her away, and showing her his bedroom would be blatant. Besides, he didn’t want to show it to her; he wanted her in it, warm and naked. That would take time. Her reaction after their previous lovemaking ensured that.

“Coffee?” he asked when they’d settled in the rec room, off the kitchen.

“Tea,” she replied, deliberately sitting in one of the big stuffed chairs rather than on the couch.

When Mitch returned with the filled cups, he sat in the other chair. Lily took up her favorite stance of sitting on his foot and leaning her weight into his leg. He patted her head and tugged gently on her cropped ears. The dog “smiled” back at him.

“You’ve got a nice house,” Kate said. “It’s big.”

“I need it with my menagerie.” He pointed out the backsliding-glass door. “There’s over half an acre out there, which is hell to mow.”

“That’s why I like my dinky patch of nothing.”

“I can’t thank you enough for today, Kate,” he said. “I’m sorry I put you on the spot like that—”

“I understand, but I’m still a little mad,” she broke in. Then she sighed. “I think I have to apologize too. You ought to know that I told Chelsea about our marriage.”

His cup froze halfway to his lips. “You did?”

“She asked how I knew you.


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